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​I was born and raised in Sussex and after a little shifting around, settled with my family in the heart of the South Downs, only a few miles from the Sussex Coast.


I am self-taught in my art, learning through research, study and experimentation.  I have dabbled in furniture upcycling, acrylics, watercolours and working with sea glass, but a life-changing personal event gave me the nudge I needed to take my creative passions more seriously. 



whenever i need the space to think, i instinctively look to the landscape around me - a wild retreat that gives me a licence to be lost in my own self 



My spiritual connection with the natural landscape around me impacts the way I feel, and in turn my own wellbeing influences how I see the world.  The creative process of layering fibres helps me convey the story of a moment, a mood or a memory, reflecting in the textures and marks in my work.


My art is greatly influenced by the sea in particular, finding as I do the sea to be exhilarating, energising, powerful, spiritually uplifting, and at the same time peaceful, grounding, and healing.  I visit the coast and landscape around me whenever possible, returning to my studio to interpret and recreate the pictures from my mind, and often my camera. 



why do i make art?  art for me is not a hobby or a job.  it is part of who i am.  i have to make art for my own well-being  (hannah kirk, artist)



Drawn to felt artwork, I use merino wool, silks, bamboo threads and other embellishments in the wet felting process (where water and soap are used to bond the fibres) and needle felting process (using barbed needles and finger guards!) to 'paint' my pictures.  Dyed wool is mainly used but I am lucky enough to have a relative living in Somerset who keeps a herd of rare breed sheep.  Unspun curly locks straight from the farm often feature in my work, and I have been known to pull fleece locks from fences whilst out walking!

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